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希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)2016年5月4日了解到:At the beginning of the year western commodity traders knew China, theworld’s biggest consumer of raw materials, would play a decisive role in thedirection of markets. What they did not know was that it would be Chineseinvestors as much as the country’s economic prospects driving prices.


In the past month a near-mania has gripped the country’s commodityfutures markets, as an army of day traders and yield-hungry wealth managershave poured into the lightly regulated sector, often with astonishing results.


Daily trading volumes in some commodity futures contracts such as ironore have been so large that sometimes they have exceeded China’s annualimports. Turnover in Shanghai steel futures one day last week eclipsed allshares traded on China’s equity markets.


Alarmed by the surge in trading, which has parallels with the lead-up tolast year’s equity market meltdown, Chinese exchanges have moved quickly toincrease transaction fees and margin requirements on futures contracts to tryto cool some of the speculative fervour.


While this has removed some of the froth from prices, it is not clearwhether this will deter the new band of investors, who have turned away fromequity markets after draconian rules were imposed last year. At the same timeBeijing wants to place China at the centre of global commodity markets and haveprices determined and settled in renminbi.


All of this could have far-reaching consequences for the way rawmaterials are priced, and risks driving up the costs of commodities that arethe building blocks of the global economy.


“This growth poses multiple dangers to global commodity pricing givenhow less regulated and therefore less protective the Chinese regimes are forinvestors who are perhaps the most speculative in the world,” analysts at Citisay in a report this week.


Western regulators have been wrestling with the problem of thefinancialisation of commodities for years, in some cases introducing positionlimits and curbs. Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan saidspeculation was responsible for the rapid move up in oil prices in late2007-early 2008 when they reached $145 a barrel. China is just starting tograpple with these issues.

西方监管机构多年来一直在应对大宗商品的金融化问题,在某些情况下还出台了仓位限制措施。美联储(Fed)前主席艾伦•格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)表示,2007年末至2008年初油价的快速上涨是投机造成的——当时油价达到了每桶145美元。中国只是刚开始应对这些问题。

Western commodity traders were alerted to the power of Chinese investorswhen a group of hedge funds led by Shanghai Chaos launched a bear raid oncopper early last year.

当去年年初以上海混沌投资公司(Shanghai Chaos)为首的一群对冲基金做空铜的时候,西方大宗商品交易商对中国投资者的实力感到震惊。

But this time the interest has gone mainstream, with wealth managementand retail investors piling in on domestic bourses such as the Shanghai FuturesExchange.

但这次的投机兴趣来自主流领域,财富管理公司和散户投资者纷纷涌入上海期货交易所(Shanghai Futures Exchange)等国内交易所。

The trigger for greater speculative interest in commodities can betraced back to the credit surge engineered by Chinese policymakers this year toprop up the economy and its currency.


This led to a pick-up in construction activity and stoked investorappetite for ways to bet on the Chinese economy.


“In our view, it’s simply commodity futures’ turn given upside elsewhereappears fairly limited while prices of many raw materials, before the latestrebound, had dropped by more than 70 per cent from their peak levels in 2011,”according to analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

美银美林(Bank ofAmerica Merrill Lynch)的分析师表示:“就我们看来,这只是轮到大宗商品期货了,因为其他市场的上升空间看起来相当有限,同时与2011年的峰值水平相比,许多原材料的价格在最近这波反弹之前下跌了逾70%。”

There certainly appears to have been a marked rise in new participantsin commodities and the scale and the magnitude of that surge suggests they aredeploying capital in markets they’re unfamiliar with, says Scott Hobart,portfolio manager at HFZ, which trades commodities both in China and globally. “There is aclear thirst for short-term trading and short-term risk.”

HFZ的投资组合经理斯科特•霍巴特(Scott Hobart)表示,显然大宗商品的新参与者显著增加了,而交易量飙升的规模和范围表明,他们正在不熟悉的市场配置资本。“他们明显对短期交易和短期风险有急切的胃口”。HFZ在中国和全球开展大宗商品交易。

Some of the capital is probably from groups of high-yielding wealthmanagement products sold by Chinese banks, according to Logan Wright, directorof China markets research at Rhodium Group in Hong Kong.

荣鼎咨询(RhodiumGroup)驻香港的中国市场研究总监洛根•莱特(Logan Wright)表示,其中一些资本可能来自中国各银行销售的高收益理财产品。

Third-party financial institutions that invest the money have beenforced into speculative strategies to deliver targeted rates of return for thebank investors, he adds.


China’s domestic bond market has been hit by defaults by state-owned orpartially state-owned companies in the past year —in a market whereinvestors assumed for years that the government would never allow a default.


That has dimmed the appeal of investing in bonds. Equally Chineseequities have also fallen more than 30 per cent in the past year.


The impact of this speculative frenzy has not just been felt infinancial markets. The rise in steel prices, up more than 50 per cent this yearafter six years of losses, has led mills in China to restart or increaseproduction just as the world struggles with a glut of the metal.


The world may have to get used to pricing power shifting east and theincreased volatility it will bring. China’s commodity exchanges are seeking toopen up to foreign traders and an international oil futures contract isexpected to be launched this year in Shanghai.


