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希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)2015年12月30日了解到:Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan’s biggest arms producer, is taking aim at more deals to sell its weapons abroad, according to its chief executive, as it revamps efforts to win a $36bn submarine contract from Australia. 日本最大军火生产商三菱重工(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)的社长宫永俊一(Shunichi Miyanaga)表示,该公司正寻求扩大对海外的军火销售。为赢得澳大利亚一笔价值360亿美元的潜艇合同,该公司调整了相关努力。

“We need to preserve the defence industry in a healthy form to strengthen Japan’s security,” Shunichi Miyanaga said in an interview. “In order to maintain and enhance our technology, we need to seek more opportunities [for arms exports].” 宫永在接受采访时表示:“我们需要使国防工业保持在一种健康状态下,以加强日本的安全。为了保持和提高我们的技术,我们需要(为军火出口)寻求更多机会。”

Mr Miyanaga’s language marks a subtle shift from past reluctance among Japanese companies to openly talk about military technology and the arms business, which remain sensitive issues for neighbouring countries as well as the domestic public. 日本企业以往不愿公开谈论军事技术和军火生意,因为对日本的邻国以及日本国内民众来说,这些仍属于敏感话题。宫永的言论标志着一个微妙的转变。

It is also a welcome transition for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who ended Japan’s self-imposed ban on the export of weapons in 2014. 对日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)来说,这也是一个值得欢迎的转变。安倍在2014年终止了日本自我施加的武器出口禁令。

Last week, Mr Abe’s cabinet approved a record defence budget of Y5.1tn ($42bn) — an increase of 1.5 per cent year-on-year — for 2016-2017 to bolster security amid a territorial dispute with China. 在日本与中国存在领土争端之际,为了加强国家安全,安倍内阁于上周批准了2016-17年度防务预算,预算额达5.1万亿日元(合420亿美元),创下了纪录,同比增幅为1.5%。

While Japanese companies have sophisticated military technology, defence represents only a fraction of their business: MHI itself earns just a tenth of its total $33bn in revenue from weapons sales. 虽然日本企业拥有先进的军事技术,但国防业务在它们的业务里只占一小部分。三菱重工330亿美元的总营收中,仅有十分之一来自武器销售。

The group is also part of broader Japanese efforts to launch an aviation comeback. It is building the country’s first commercial aircraft — the Mitsubishi Regional Jet — though has just delayed its delivery once again, by about a year to mid-2018. 三菱重工还是日本复兴航空业的更宏大努力的参与者。该公司正在建造日本首款商用飞机“三菱支线喷气式飞机”(MRJ),尽管不久前该公司再度推迟了交货时间。这一次,交货时间推迟了大约一年,推迟到2018年年中。

Even with strong backing from Mr Abe, initial efforts to expand military sales have foundered given the country’s isolation from foreign arms markets since its defeat in the second world war. 尽管有安倍的大力支持,但由于日本自二战战败以来一直未参与国际军火市场,其为扩大军售而付出的初步努力已遭遇挫折。

MHI and Kawasaki Heavy Industries were poised to land a A$50bn ($36bn) contract to build Australia’s new submarines. But Tokyo’s initial proposal that the fleet be built in Japan sparked concerns that jobs in Australia would be lost, allowing competitors ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems of Germany and France’s DCNS to gain ground in the contest. 三菱重工和川崎重工(Kawasaki Heavy Industries)打算赢得一笔价值500亿澳元(合360亿美元)的为澳大利亚建造新潜艇的合同。但东京方面最初提议在日本建造这批潜艇,这让一些人担心澳大利亚的工作岗位会因此流失。这一提议使得德国蒂森克虏伯海事系统公司(ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems)以及法国DCNS等竞争对手在这场竞赛中取得了一定优势。

The Japanese delegation has since altered its proposal and promised that the Soryu submarines would be built at Australian shipyards. 日本代表团后来更改了提议,承诺将在澳大利亚船厂建造“苍龙级”(Soryu)潜艇。

