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美国指责中国对飞机制造商提供不公平减税 (中英双语)


希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)2015年12月10日了解到:The US has launched a new front in its trade battles with China, accusing Beijing of giving unfair tax breaks to domestic plane producers in a sign of Washington’s anxiety over China’s nascent aircraft industry. 美国在与中国的贸易战中开辟了一条新战线——指责中国向国内飞机制造商提供不公平的税收减免,该迹象表明了华盛顿对中国刚刚起步的飞机制造业感到焦虑。

US officials said yesterday they had filed a request for consultations with Beijing over a value added tax exemption that is given to domestic aircraft manufacturers but not foreign ones. The move is the first step in bringing a case at the World Trade Organisation, the Geneva-based adjudicator of global trading rules. 美国官员昨日称,他们提交了与北京方面进行磋商的请求,焦点是中国向国内飞机制造商提供增值税豁免,但不向外国制造商提供类似待遇。此举是在世界贸易组织(WTO)提起诉讼的第一步。总部位于日内瓦的WTO是全球贸易规则的裁决机构。

The EU and US have battled for years at the WTO over state programmes designed to benefit aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus and Boeing. But yesterday’s launch marks the first case brought anywhere against China over commercial aircraft. 欧盟和美国多年来一直围绕旨在惠及空客(Airbus)和波音(Boeing)等飞机制造商的政府计划在WTO角力。但是美国昨日此举标志着首次有国家针对中国的商用飞机采取行动。

It also comes as the administration of US President Barack Obama has increasingly sought to use a tough stance on China as a selling point for its trade agenda. 目前,美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)领导的行政当局日益寻求利用对中国的强硬立场作为其贸易议程的一个卖点。

The US, Japan and 10 other economies in October concluded negotiations over a Pacific Rim trade agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which the administration has portrayed as a counterbalance to a rising China. The deal faces an uncertain future in Congress, however, with most Democrats opposing it and prominent Republicans expressing misgivings over some of its provisions. 10月,美国、日本以及另外10个经济体完成了《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称TPP)的谈判。奥巴马政府把TPP描述为抗衡中国崛起的力量。然而,该协定在美国国会面临着不确定的未来,多数民主党议员反对TPP,还有一些共和党高层人士表达了对某些条款的疑虑。

The administration has throughout this year presented the TPP as a geopolitical as well as an economic project in the hope of building support in Congress. 奥巴马政府今年以来一直把TPP说成是一个地缘政治和经济项目,希望在国会得到支持。

It also has launched WTO and other enforcement cases against China in an effort to portray itself as a tough defender of US jobs from unfair competition, a popular move in the legislature. 奥巴马政府还在WTO和其他仲裁机构针对中国提起贸易案,试图展示自己强势捍卫美国工人就业岗位,使其免受不公平竞争影响——此举在国会受到欢迎。

“We are taking this action today because American workers and producers deserve a fair shot to compete — and win,” Mike Froman, the US trade representative, said yesterday. “今天,我们采取这一行动,因为美国工人和制造商应该有一个公平竞争、以及赢得竞争的机会,”美国贸易代表迈克?弗罗曼(Mike Froman)昨日表示。

The US claims that China’s tax concession for aircraft manufactures violates WTO rules because it discriminates against foreign producers. While imported commercial aircraft are subject to 17 per cent VAT, domestic planes are not. 美国声称,中国针对飞机制造商的税收优惠违反了WTO的规则,因为它对外国制造商并未一视同仁。

That was not much of an issue in the past. But China’s aircraft industry has been growing rapidly and is beginning to compete with manufacturers such as Boeing, particularly for the rapidly growing regional aviation market in China. 进口商用飞机需要缴纳17%的增值税(VAT),而国产飞机却不用。

The US also claims that China sought to hide the VAT exemption from the WTO by not disclosing it as required. “Transparency of laws and regulations impacting trade is a core WTO commitment that China must uphold, just as it expects other countries to do,” Mr Froman said. 这在过去并不是什么大事。但近来中国飞机制造业迅速发展,正开始与波音等制造商展开竞争,特别是在中国迅速发展的支线航空市场。



