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希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)2015年12月10日了解到:一位法国科学家称,通过光反射技术,在现存的蒙娜丽莎肖像下发现了另一肖像。 An image of a portrait underneath the Mona Lisa has been found beneath the existing painting using reflective light technology, according to a French scientist.
  Pascal Cotte said he has spent more than 10 years using the technology to analyse the painting. He claims the earlier portrait lies hidden underneath the surface of Leonardo’s most celebrated artwork. A reconstruction shows another image of a sitter looking off to the side. The Louvre Museum has declined to comment on his claims because it "was not part of the scientific team".
  Instead of the famous, direct gaze of the painting which hangs in the Louvre Museum in Paris, the image of the sitter also shows no trace of her enigmatic smile, which has intrigued art lovers for more than 500 years. But Mr Cotte’s claims are controversial and have divided opinion among Leonardo experts.
  The scientist, who is the co-founder of Lumiere Technology in Paris, was given access to the painting in 2004 by the Louvre. He has pioneered a technique called Layer Amplification Method (LAM), which he used to analyse the Mona Lisa. It works by "projecting a series of intense lights" on to the painting, Mr Cotte said. A camera then takes measurements of the lights’ reflections and from those measurements, Mr Cotte said he is able to reconstruct what has happened between the layers of the paint.
  这位科学家是巴黎流明 技术的共创人,在2004年通过卢浮宫同意,有机会研究蒙娜丽莎。他是使用图层放大法研究蒙娜丽莎的先驱。科特先生说,这项技术通过“发射一系列强光”在 画作上来完成工作。然后,相机测量光的反射,通过这些测量,科特先生称得以在各个图层间完成了重建。
  The Mona Lisa has been the subject of several scientific examinations over more than half a century. More recent techniques include infrared inspections and multi-spectral scanning. But Mr Cotte has claimed his technique is able to penetrate more deeply into the painting. He said: "We can now analyse exactly what is happening inside the layers of the paint and we can peel like an onion all the layers of the painting. We can reconstruct all the chronology of the creation of the painting."
  在 超过半个世纪以来,蒙娜丽莎受到了各种科学检测。很多最新的科技,包括红外线检测和多光谱扫描。但是,科特先生称,他的技术能更深层地洞察画作。他说: “我们现在能够精确地分析画作的各个图层内发生了什么,我们能像剥洋葱一样剥开画作的各个图层。我们重现画作创作的整个时段。”
  ’Shatter many myths’
  Leonardo is believed to have worked on the painting between 1503 and 1517 while working in Florence and later in France. There has long been debate about the Mona Lisa’s identity. But for centuries, it has been widely believed that she is Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a Florentine silk merchant.
  But Mr Cotte has claimed his discoveries challenge that theory. He believes the image he has reconstructed underneath the surface of the painting is Leonardo’s original Lisa, and that the portrait named Mona Lisa for more than 500 years is, in fact, a different woman.
  He said: "The results shatter many myths and alter our vision of Leonardo’s masterpiece forever. When I finished the reconstruction of Lisa Gherardini, she is totally different to Mona Lisa today. This is not the same woman." He also claims to have found two more images under the surface of the painting - a shadowy outline of a portrait with a larger head and nose, bigger hands but smaller lips.
  他 说到:“这一结果打破了很多谜团,并从此改变了我们对莱昂纳多的杰作的看法。当我完成了对丽莎盖拉尔迪尼的重建后,她与现在的蒙娜丽莎完全不同了,这不是 同一个女人了。”他还称,在画作表面下又发现了更外两个形象,一个肖像的朦胧的轮廓,头、鼻子、双手都更大一些,但是仍微笑着。 来源:BBC英语新闻


