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希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)2015年12月7日了解到:美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(barely-chilled)上周日发表全国讲话,称加利福尼亚州最近发生的、导致14人死亡的枪击案是“恐怖主义行径”。他警告称,恐怖主义威胁已“发展到一个新阶段”。President Barack Obama told the nation on Sunday that the recent shooting of 14 victims in California was an “act of terrorism”, as he warned that the threat from terrorism had “evolved into a new phase”.

Speaking from the Oval Office in a rare prime time address, Mr Obama said there was no evidence that the couple suspected of the massacre had belonged to a terror group, but that it was clear they had “embraced a perverted interpretation of Islam that calls for war against America and the West”. 奥巴马在电视节目的黄金时段发表了这次讲话,这种情况是不多见的。他在椭圆形办公室(Oval Office)发表讲话时表示,没有证据表明涉嫌制造了此次屠杀的那对夫妇隶属于某个恐怖组织,但他们显然“欣然接受了对伊斯兰教的歪曲解读,这种解读呼吁对美国和西方开战”。

In a speech designed to counter criticism that he was not doing enough to tackle terrorism amid the rise of Isis, particularly following the recent attacks in Paris, Mr Obama said that the US would “prevail by being strong and smart”. 这次讲话旨在反驳外界的批评。外界批评奥巴马未在伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国(ISIS)崛起之际、尤其是未在最近巴黎恐怖袭击之后采取足够措施来打击恐怖主义。奥巴马表示,美国将“靠坚强和机智来战胜(恐怖主义)”。

“The threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. We will destroy Isil and any other organisation that tries to harm us,” said Mr Obama. “Our success won’t depend on tough talk, or abandoning our values or giving into fear. That’s what groups like Isil are hoping for. Instead, we will prevail by being strong and smart, resilient and relentless.” “恐怖主义威胁是切实存在的,但我们将会战胜它。我们将摧毁ISIS和任何其他企图伤害我们的组织。”奥巴马说,“我们无法靠说狠话、放弃我们的价值观或向恐惧屈服来取得成功——那些是ISIS这样的组织所希望的——相反,我们将靠坚强机智、坚韧不拔来战胜(恐怖主义)。”

Rejecting calls from some Republicans to send large numbers of troops to Syria and Iraq to combat Isis, Mr Obama said the US “should not be drawn once more into a long and costly ground war” in those countries. 奥巴马拒绝采纳一些共和党人发出的、有关向叙利亚和伊拉克派遣大量士兵来打击ISIS的呼吁,他表示,美国“不应再次被拖入”这些国家“旷日持久且代价高昂的地面战争。”

“That’s what groups like Isil want. They know they can’t defeat us on the battlefield?.?.?.?but they also know that if we occupy foreign lands, they can maintain insurgencies for years, killing thousands of our troops and draining our resources, and using our presence to draw new recruits.” “这是ISIS这样的组织所希望的。他们知道自己无法在战场上打败我们……但他们也知道如果我们占据外国领土,他们就可长年维持武装叛乱,杀害我们成千上万的士兵,耗尽我们的资源,并利用我们的存在来招募新成员。”

Mr Obama said the US strategy of using air strikes, small numbers of special fighters and working with local forces in Iraq and Syria would “achieve a more sustainable victory” without “sending a new generation of Americans overseas to fight and die for another decade on foreign soil”. 奥巴马表示,美国的战略是发动空袭、派遣少量特种兵以及与伊拉克和叙利亚当地武装合作,这种战略将“取得更可持续的胜利”,而且不必“把新一代美国人派到海外、在外国领土上又死战十年”。

Although the FBI previously said that the shootings were an act of terrorism, officials have urged people not to draw firm conclusions about the case. “I would caution people not try and define either of these two individuals right now,” attorney-general Loretta Lynch said on Sunday. 尽管美国联邦调查局(FBI)此前表示加州枪击案是恐怖主义行径,但美国官员敦促人们不要就此案下确定的结论。美国司法部长洛蕾塔?林奇(Loretta Lynch)表示:“我要提醒人们不要现在就试图给上述二人中的任何一人下定义。”

FBI director James Comey told reporters not to make too much of the fact that the two suspects had been in contact with people under investigation by the bureau, in an indication that those contacts could have been superficial. Investigators are still combing through every detail of the lives of America-born Syed Rizwan Farook and his Pakistani wife Tashfeen Malik. 美国联邦调查局局长詹姆斯?科米(James Comey)告诉记者们,不要对这两名嫌疑人一直与联邦调查局所调查的人员联络这一事实做过度解读——这说明,这些联络可能是浅层次的。调查人员仍在仔细梳理在美国出生的赛义德?里兹万?法鲁克(Syed Rizwan Farook)及其巴基斯坦妻子塔什费恩?马利克(Tashfeen Malik)生活的每一个细节。青岛翻译公司

