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编辑:青岛希尼尔翻译公司 发布时间:2019-06-11



V. Bid Opening and Bid Evaluation

1. 开标 :

1. Bid Opening

1.1 招标机构在规定的时间、地点主持开标。开标时邀请所有投标人代表参加。参加开标的代表应签名报到以证明其出席。

1.1 The Tender Agent will preside over the bid opening at the specified time and place. The representative of each bidder will be invited to participate in the bid opening. The participating representatives shall sign up, signifying that he or she has participated in the bid opening.

1.2 开标时查验投标文件密封情况,确认无误后拆封唱标。

1.2 The sealing conditions of the bid will be checked prior to opening.

1.3 开标时,招标机构将宣读投标人名称、投标货物名称、投标价格、交货期、交货地点、修改或撤回投标的通知、投标声明以及招标机构认为合适的其他内容。招标机构将做开标记录,只有开标时唱出的投标声明,在评标时才予以考虑。

1.3 The Tender Agent will announce the name of bidder, name of bidding products, bidding price, delivery period, delivery place, notice on modification or cancellation of bid, bidding statement and other contents deemed necessary by the Tender Agent. The Tender Agent will prepare minutes of the bid opening. Only those bidding statements which are announced in the bid opening will be taken into account in the bid evaluation.

1.4 在开标时没有启封和宣读的投标文件,在评标时将不予考虑。

1.4 Any bid which is not opened and announced in the bid opening will not be taken into consideration in the bid evaluation.


1.5 No bidding material submitted by the bidder will be returned, whether the bidder wins or not.

2. 投标文件的初审:

2. Preliminary Examination of Bid


The preliminary examination relates to the following items: completeness of contents of the bid, calculation correctness, appropriateness of signature of document, payment of bid bond, etc.


2.1 Collusion between Bidders Is Prohibited.


Any of the following circumstances constitutes collusion between bidders:


(1) Consultation between bidders about bid price or other material contents of the bid;


(2) Agreement between bidders on winning bidder;


(3) Agreement between bidders that certain bidder(s) give up bidding or bid winning;


(4) Bidders under the same group, association, chamber of commerce and other organization cooperating with each other in bidding as per the requirement of such organization;


(5) Other joint actions between bidders for the purpose of bid winning or excluding certain bidder(s).


2.2 Any of the following circumstances will be deemed as collusion between bidders:


(1) The bids of different bidders are prepared by the same unit or individual;


(2) Different bidders entrust the same unit or individual to handle matters related to the bidding;


(3) The same person appears as project management member on the bids of different bidders;


(4) The bids of different bidders appear as unusually similar or offer prices with regular differences;


(5) The bids of different bidders are mixed with each other;


(6) The bid bonds of different bidders are transferred from the account of the same unit or individual.


2.3 Collusion between Bidder and Tenderee Is Prohibited.


Any of the following circumstances constitutes collusion between bidder and tenderee:


(1) Before bid opening, the tenderee unseals the bid and reveals relevant information to other bidders;


(2) The tenderee reveals, directly or indirectly, the pre-tender estimate, members of bid evaluation committee and other information to bidder(s);


(3) The tenderee requests, explicitly or implicitly, the bidder(s) to bring down or rise the bid price;


(4) The tenderee inspires the bidder(s) to replace or revise the bidding documents;


(5) The tenderee explicitly or implicitly requests the bidder(s) to help forward the bid wining of certain bidder;


(6) Other collusion between the tenderee and bidder(s) for the purpose of bid winning by certain bidder.


2.4 In the preliminary examination, arithmetic errors shall be corrected according to the following methods:

(1) 如果单价和数量计算的结果与总价不一致,以及分项价汇总之和与总价不一致,则以单价和分项价为准修改总价,但单价和分项价金额小数点有明显错误的除外;

(1) If the product of the unit price and the quantity differs from the total price, and the sum of sub-totals of items differs from the total price, the total price shall be corrected based on the unit price and sub-totals, unless the use of the decimal point in the unit price or sub-totals is apparently wrong;

(2) 如果用文字表示的数值与数字表示的数值不一致,以文字表示的数值为准;

(2) If the value given in words differs from the value given in figures, the value in words shall prevail; 

(3) 如果投标人不同意对其错误的更正,其投标将被拒绝。

(3) The bid of a bidder who declines to correct the mistake will be rejected.


2.5 If a bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected and may not subsequently be made responsive by the bidder by correcting or cancelling the noncompliant deviation or reservation. Any bid found under any of the following circumstances will be rejected:


(1) The bid is not accompanied with a bid bond or the amount is less than that required or the form of the bid bond does not comply with the requirements of the tender document;


(2) The bidder is made beyond the business scope of the bidder;


(3) The bidder fails to provide complete qualification documents;


(4) The bid is not signed by the legal representative or the signatory is not effectively authorized by the legal representative;


(5) The bidder’s performances do not meet requirements of the tender document;


(6) The validity period of the bid is insufficient.


2.6 Anything not formal, inconsistent or nonstandard which does not constitute material deviation in the bid is allowed, but it shall not impair or affect the sequencing of bidders.

2.7 评标委员会对投标文件的判定,只依据投标文件内容本身,而不寻求外部的证据。

2.7 The bid evaluation committee will evaluate the bid based on its contents and will not seek for any external evidence. 

3. 投标的澄清:

3. Bidding Clarification


During the period of bid evaluation, the committee may request the bidder to clarify anything unclear, ambiguous or with apparent calculation errors. Clarification request and reply shall be given in writing.



青岛翻译公司 翻译公司 招投标翻译之开标及评标内容翻译中英双语