当前位置:希尼尔首页> 翻译新闻> 招投标翻译之投标书格式翻译攻略中英双语


编辑:青岛希尼尔翻译公司 发布时间:2019-06-11




Part I Bid Letter


Part II Schedule on Conditions of the Bidder and Authorization of the Legal Person


Part III Bid Announcement Schedule and Detailed Statement of Quotations of Products


Part IV Accompanying Accessories and Tools

第五部分、 技术及商务偏离表

Part V Technical and Commercial Deviation Form


Part VI Qualification Certificate of the Bidder


Part VII After-sales Service Commitments

第八部分、 技术文件

Part VIII Technical Documents

第九部分、 业绩一览表格式

Part IX Schedule of Performances



By this letter, the undersigned representative hereby declares and agrees:

1. 所附投标价格表中规定的应提交和交付的设备投标总价为          (用文字和数字表示的投标总价)。

1. That the total bidding price of the equipment which shall be submitted as specified in the bidding price schedule shall be             (total bidding price written in words and figures).

2. 投标人将按招标文件的规定履行合同责任和义务。

2. The bidder will perform its responsibilities and obligations under the contract in accordance with provisions of the tender document.

3. 投标人已详细审查全部招标文件,包括第(编号、补遗书)(如果有的话)我们完全理解并同意放弃对这方面有不明及误解的权力。

3. That the Bidder has examined in detail all the documents including amendments (No.) (if any) and that the bidder is perfectly aware that it must renounce all right of invoking ambiguities or misunderstandings in this respect.

4. 本投标有效期为自开标日起             个日历日。

4. That this bid is valid for a period of       calendar days.

5. 如果在规定的开标时间后,投标人在投标有效期内撤回投标,其投标保证金将被贵方没收。

5. That the bid bond may be forfeited if the bidder cancels the bid within the bidding validity period after the specified bid opening.

6. 根据投标人须知第1条规定,我方承诺,与甲方聘请的为此项目提供咨询服务的公司及任何附属机构均无关联,我方不是甲方的附属机构。

6. That, pursuant to ITB Article 1, we declare that, we are not associated with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by Party A to provide consulting services for this project, and we are not an affiliate of Party A.

7. 投标人同意提供按照贵方可能要求的与其投标有关的一切数据或资料,完全理解贵方不一定接受最低价的投标或收到的任何投标。

7. That the bidder agrees to furnish any other data or information pertinent to the bid that might be requested by you and that the bidder understands that you are not bound to accept the lowest bid you may receive.


8. That the bidder undertakes that all information provided is true. Otherwise, the bidder will assume all consequences arising from it.


9. That all official correspondence pertinent to this bid shall be addressed to:

地址                                  传真                             

Address:                                                           Fax:

电话                                  电子函件                         

Tel.:                                                          E-mail:



Signature of Bidder’s Representative:




青岛翻译公司 翻译公司 招投标翻译之投标书格式翻译攻略中英双语