当前位置:希尼尔首页 > 双语新闻 >  助力一带一路,希尼尔翻译公司服务与国内外物流进出口客户

(双语新闻) 助力一带一路,希尼尔翻译公司服务与国内外物流进出口客户



1.       甲方在青岛保税区内拥有相应的资源,可为乙方提供下列服务:
Party A possesses appropriate resources in Qingdao Bonded Zone and thus has the ability to provide Party B with the following services:

l    进境代理

l  Inbound agency services

l    保税仓储

l  Bonded warehousing

l    仓库作业

l  Warehouse operations

l    库存管理

l  Inventory management

l    报关报验

l  Customs for inspection

l    当地运输以及在中国境内使用外包或自有车辆运输货物

l  Local transportation and use of outsourcing or own vehicles for transport of  goods in China

2.       乙方需要在青岛保税区内使用仓储设施(以下简称仓库)储存XXX产品,并需要甲方为其提供相关的仓储物流服务。
Party B needs to use storage facilities (hereinafter referred to as "Warehouse") for the storage of XXX products in Qingdao Bonded Zone, and thus needs Party A to provide related warehousing and logistics services.

3.       甲方同意在青岛保税区内为乙方提供其自有或租赁的仓库储存乙方的货物,并愿意为乙方提供相关的仓储物流服务。
Party A agrees to provide its own or leased Warehouse for the storage of goods of Party B in Qingdao Bonded Zone and is willing to provide Party B with related storage and logistics services.



Therefore, the parties agree as follows:


1.0协议范围Scope of Agreement


1.1  乙方指定甲方,并且甲方接受乙方的指定,在遵守相关中国法律法规的基础上,根据乙方的要求,为其提供仓储、仓库作业、库存管理、报关报验、当地运输,及其他相关的仓储物流服务(以下简称服务)。
Party B designates Party A and Party A accepts the designation, on the basis of compliance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations, and according to the requirements of Party B, to provide warehousing, warehouse operations, inventory management, customs inspection, local transportation, and other related storage and logistics services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services").


1.2  甲方特此向乙方承诺,其会尽职为乙方提供前款所提及的各项服务,并且承认货物的所有权仍归乙方所有,甲方无权擅自转让或销售货物,除非事先得到乙方的许可。
Party A hereby warrants to Party B that Party A will use due diligence to provide Party B with Services referred to in the preceding paragraph, and accepts that the ownership of the goods is vested in Party B and Party A has no right to unauthorized transfer or sale of goods, unless prior consent of Party B is obtained.



2.0持续和终止Term, Renewal and Termination


2.1   本协议的有效期限自         日起至            日止。本协议到期后,如果没有任何一方提前一个月书面通知另一方不再续约,否则本协议应自有效期限届满之日起的第二(2)天起自动延长12个月。以此类推。
This Agreement has a valid term from MM/DD/YY to MM/DD/YY. If, upon its expiry, no party hereto has made a written notice not to renew it one month in advance, this Agreement shall be automatically extended for another twelve (12) months as of the date immediately subsequent to its expiry and accordingly.


2.2   本协议的延期、提前解除或终止将不影响任何一方在本协议项下已经发生的债权债务。
The extension, early cancellation or termination will not affect any claim or liability of any party hereto that has already occurred under this Agreement.


3.0陈述和保证Representations and Warranties



Party A hereby warrants to Party B that:


3.1   甲方是一家根据中国法律正式成立且有效存在的有限公司,拥有订立和执行本协议所需的经营能力和相关授权,并预期能够按照本协议的约定完成本协议项下的所有服务。
Party A is a limited liability company duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of China, has all required operating capacities and relevant authorization necessary for the execution and fulfillment of this Agreement, and is expected to be able to fulfill all of the Services under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.


3.2   甲方保证其拥有足够的设施,资源和合格人员,能及时、有效、专业地为乙方提供本协议项下的所有服务。
Party A warrants that Party A has adequate facilities, resources and qualified personnel, and has the capacity to timely, effectively and professionally provide Party B with all Services contemplated under this Agreement.


3.3   甲方将采取任何必要措施,以履行本协议及其项下的所有服务。
Party A will take all necessary measures to fulfill all Services contemplated under this Agreement.


4.0价格和支付Price and Payment


4.1     甲方根据本协议所提供服务的价格,详见报价表(附件一),该报价表为本协议不可分割部分,与本协议具有同等效力。
The prices of Services rendered by Party A under this Agreement are detailed in the quotations sheet (Appendix I), which constitutes an integral part of this Agreement and has the same effect as this Agreement.


4.2     甲方应于每月5日前,向乙方提交上月本协议项下所有服务费用的详细清单,乙方须在10个工作日内确认,逾期未确认,甲方视为认可。经乙方确认后,甲方向乙方开具发票,乙方将于收到发票后的10日内向甲方指定的账户进行付款。若逾期未付款,每逾期1天,甲方将按照发票金额加收1‰的滞纳金。但如有特殊情况发生时,双方可以协商变更上述支付日期。
Party A shall, prior to the 5th date of each month, submit to Party B a detailed list of all service charges for Services rendered in the last month under this Agreement, and Party B shall make a confirmation within 10 working days subsequent to receipt thereof and failure to confirm within such time limit may be deemed an endorsement by Party B of the same. Upon confirmation by Party B, Party A shall issue relevant invoice to Party B and Party B shall, within 10 days subsequent to receipt thereof, make payment to the account designated by Party A. If the payment is overdue, for each day overdue, Party B shall pay to Party A late fee 1‰ of the invoice amount. However, in case of special circumstances, the parties may negotiate to change such payment date.


4.3     若乙方在无任何理由的情况下拖延付款时间,甲方对乙方的货物享有留置权;乙方货物在全部清空前一天,需将所有费用一次性付清,否则甲方有权停止发货。
If Party B delays the payment without any due cause, Party A is entitled to lien against the goods of Party B. Party B shall, on the date immediately prior to vacating all goods of Party B, pay up all costs in a lump sum; otherwise Party A shall have the right to cease delivery.

