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(双语新闻) Hyperloop One公司开发的新型真空列车测试速度达到192英里每小时


希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)2017年8月4日了解到:Hyperloop One, just one a few tech startups hoping to create a transportation network of the future, announced Wednesday that it had succeeded in tripling the speed of its pod in a recent test outside of Las Vegas.

Hyperloop One 是一家致力于开发未来新型交通网络的初创企业,这家公司本周三宣布在拉斯维加斯最新的一次测试中,将本公司的列车时速提高了近三倍。

On July 29, Hyperloop One engineers successfully propelled a pod built for passengers or freight along a 500-meter stretch of vacuum-sealed, above-ground tubing at 192 mph, about triple the speed of its shorter test back in May.

在上月29号,Hyperloop One 公司的工程师在一段长500米的真空管道中将一列实验列车加速到192英里每小时,是之前五月份短距离测试时速度的三倍。

The company says it depressurized the tubing to an air-pressure level that was equivalent to 200,000 feet above ground, and tripled the amount of electric-motor horsepower (3,100 hp) that was routed to the pod, which uses magnetic levitation technology to hover above the track much like an air hockey puck rides on air.

Hyperloop One公司称,他们把通道里的气压模拟成相当于200,000英尺高度的大气状态,并把驱动列车的电动机的马力提升了三倍。另外,实验用的列车采用磁悬浮技术使列车处于悬浮状态就像紧贴地面飞行的冰球。

"We’ve proven that our technology works, and we’re now ready to enter into discussions with partners, customers and governments around the world about the full commercialization of our Hyperloop technology," Hyperloop One CEO Rob Lloyd said in a statement.

Hperloop One公司的首席执行官Rob Lloy在一份声明中称:“实验证明,我们公司的技术可以得到应用,目前我们已经准备同来自全世界的合伙人,消费者和政府一起讨论将Hyperloop技术商用化的可能性。”

Hyperloop One has entered into a variety of feasibility study agreements around the world, including with officials in the Middle East and Russia. Its rivals include Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and newly formed Arrivo, which was founded by former Hyperloop One co-founder Brogan BamBrogan.

Hyperloop One公司已经同包括中东和俄罗斯在内的官方政府就实现这一技术的可能性达成共识,同时目前还出现了许多竞争对手,包括Hyperloop 运输科技公司和由前Hyperloop One公司合伙人Brogan BamBrogan刚刚创办的Arrivo公司。

Hyperloop was the name given to the new transportation system by Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, who wrote a white paper outlining the benefits of such a technology a few years ago.

Hyperloop名字的由来是Tesla和Space X公司首席执行官Elon Musk在几年前发表的一篇文章中首次提出的,在那篇文章中他介绍了采用这种技术的好处。

Musk has never expressed interest in building a hyperloop company himself, but recently tweeted that he had received verbal government approval for his latest venture, tunnel-drilling firm The Boring Company, to bore out tunnels underneath a variety of East Coast states. His tweets said the tunnels would be for a hyperloop.

虽然Musk之前并未表示要建立一家Hyperloop公司的想法,但在Twitter中称,他最新投资的一家致力于建设地下隧道的公司The Boring Company已经获得政府部门的口头批准,允许该公司在东海岸建设一条地下隧道,并且据Musk称该隧道可能采用Hyperloop技术。

The first step for any hyperloop company would certainly be to prove to potential investors and partners that the tech actually works


But even once that is achieved, challenges remain. They include making sure hundreds of miles of pressurized tubes can withstand natural forces without loosing pressure and assuring the public that traveling at up to 700 mph is safe. The biggest issue, however, will be finding municipalities or countries willing to take a multi-billion-dollar gamble on a new form of transportation.


As with most pioneers, today’s hyperloop experimenters are optimistic they’re working on what amounts to what the railroad was in the 1800 — a major revolution.


Shervin Pishevar, executive chairman and co-founder of Hyperloop One, said in a statement: "This is the beginning, and the dawn of a new era of transportation."

Hyperloop One公司的合伙人Shervin Pisheva在一份声明中称:“这仅仅是一个开端,我们即将迎来一个新交通方式的时代”


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