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中国点燃了可燃冰 世界的能源格局又要发生变化!
(双语新闻)中国点燃了可燃冰 世界的能源格局又要发生变化!
希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)2017年5月29日了解到: For the first time, Chinese
engineers have successfully extracted natural gas from icy deposits
beneath the South China Sea.
Just last year, China's government announced that geologists
had found new reserves of methanehydrate - also known as 'flammable ice'
- and now it looks like they've managed to harvest some of it, bringing
the world a step closer to harnessing this untapped energy source.
中国点燃了可燃冰 世界的能源格局又要发生变化!
"If gas is present at sufficient concentrations beneath the
seafloor within the gas hydrate stability field, you'd expect it to be
in the form of hydrates," New Zealand-based geoscientist, Ingo Pecher
from the University of Auckland said.
But that stability field is easily disrupted if you change
either pressure or temperature, releasing all that trapped methane into
the water. That's why successfully extracting gas from methane hydrates
is such a big deal for engineers.
The gas deposits are densely packed - 1 cubic metre of methane
hydrate can release 164 cubic metres of natural gas if brought to the
surface, making it a valuable fuel resource.
Researchers think there could be immensely abundant gas hydrate
reserves all around the world, possibly exceeding all other fossil fuels
Now China has announced that their floating gas extraction
platform in the South China Sea has borne highly promising results, and
not just for experimental purposes, but for potential commercialisation.
Engineers drilled to the bottom of the sea and depressurised
the hydrates right there, bringing the gas to the surface. According to
reports in Chinese media, they managed to get as much as 35,000 cubic
metres of gas a day.
Countries such as US, Japan, China, India and South Korea have
invested hundreds of millions of dollars into exploring methane
hydrates, but they've all been slow-going in developing the most cost-
and energy-efficient method of extraction.
China's latest success is a promising step towards
commercialisation of this energy-intensive fuel source.
来源:Science Aler