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医学英语词汇 >
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关节活动度 range of motion, ROM
关节活动度测量 measurement of range of motion
电诊断法 electrodiagnosis
电诊断医学 electrodiagnostic medicine, electrodiagnostics
中频电诊断法 medium frequency electrodiagnosis
古典式电诊断法 classical electrodiagnosis
直流感应电检查 galvanic-faradic current examination
变性反应 reaction of degeneration, RD
部分变性反应 reaction of partial degeneration
完全变性反应 reaction of total degeneration
绝对变性反应 reaction of absolute degeneration
强度-时间曲线检查 intensity-time curve examination
强度-频率曲线检查 intensity-frequency curve examination
弯折 kink
失神经支配 denervation
部分失神经支配 partial denervation
完全失神经支配 total denervation
基强度 rheobase, Rb
时值 chronaxia, CHR
适应比值 accomodation ratio
步幅 pace
[步态]站立期 stance phase
[步态]迈步期 swing phase
步态分析 gait analysis
步行训练 ambulation training
步态训练 gait training
作业疗法 occupational therapy, OT
日常生活活动训练 training of activity of daily living, ADL training
职业技能训练 vocational skills training
工艺疗法 arts and crafts therapy
编织疗法 weaving therapy
文娱疗法 recreational therapy
舞蹈疗法 dance therapy
音乐疗法 music therapy
游戏疗法 play therapy, game therapy
绘画疗法 painting therapy
雕刻疗法 carving therapy
工作疗法 work therapy
木工疗法 carpentry therapy
园艺疗法 horticultural therapy
感知觉训练 sensory and perceptual training
认知训练 cognitive training
认知疗法 cognitive therapy
就业咨询 vocational counselling
就业前训练 prevocational training
职业再训练 vocational retraining
心理疗法 psychotherapy
行为疗法 behavior therapy
心理咨询 psychological counselling
言语治疗 speech therapy
言语训练 speech training
社会康复 social rehabilitation
社基康复 community-based-rehabilitation, CBR
无障碍通行 barrier free accessibility, barrier free passage
[残疾人]庇护工场 shelter workshop类似福利工场。
休养所 nursing home
疗养地 health resort
疗养院 sanatorium
日光疗法 heliotherapy, solar therapy
空气疗法 aerotherapy
日光空气疗法 helioaerotherapy
气候疗法 climatotherapy
海水浴 seawater bath
海滨疗法 thalassotherapy
矿泉疗养学 crenology
矿泉疗法 crenotherapy
温泉 hot spring
高压氧疗法 hyperbaric oxygen therapy, HBO
假肢 artificial limb
矫形器 orthosis, orthotic device
矫形鞋 orthopedic shoe, orthopedic footwear
悬带 sling
助行器 walking aid, walker
手杖 cane, walking stick
腋杖 crutch
肘拐 elbow crutch
轮椅 wheelchair
自助器 self-help device
环境控制装置 environment control unit, ECU
残障 handicap (社会水平的障碍)
残疾 disability (系病损、失能、残障三者之总称)
残疾人 people with disability
残肢 stump
障碍 disturbance, disorder
功能障碍 dysfunction
康复评定 rehabilitation evaluation
康复评估 rehabilitation assessment
日常生活能力评定 evaluation of activities of daily living, evaluation of ADLs
教育评定 educational evaluation
心理评定 psychological evaluation
言语功能测试 speech function test
就业前评定 prevocational evaluation
自我评估 self-assessment
肌力测定 muscle strength test
徒手肌力测定 manual muscle test, MMT
等速肌力测定 isokinetic muscle strength test
器械体操 mechanogymnastics
负荷运动 load exercise
负重运动 weight loading exercise
牵伸运动 stretch exercise
爬行运动 crawling exercise
活动平板训练 treadmill training
医疗性行走 therapeutic walking
健身跑 jogging
跳跃运动 jumping exercise
急跳运动 jerky exercise
攀登运动 climbing exercise
耐力运动 endurance exercise
实用性运动 practical exercise
适应性活动 adaptive activity
准备活动 warm-up
整理活动 cooling-down
自我训练 autotraining
循环训练[法] circuit training
功能位 functional position
体位保持 positioning
转移活动 transfer activity
训练方案 training program, exercise program
运动强度 exercise intensity
有氧训练 aerobic training, aerobic exercise
最大耗氧量 maximal oxygen consumption
代谢当量 metabolic equivalent, MET
最大功能容量 maximal functional capacity
运动试验 exercise test
运动负荷试验 exercise stress test
分级运动试验 graded exercise test
体能测定 fitness test
屏气试验 breath holding test
瓦氏动作 Valsalva maneuver
自感劳累分级 rating of perceived exertion, RPE
生物反馈疗法 biofeedback therapy, BFT
肌电生物反馈疗法 electromyographic biofeedback therapy, EMGBFT
神经生理学疗法 neurophysiological therapy, NPT
神经发育学疗法 neurodevelopment therapy, NDT
易化技术 facilitation technique
本体感神经肌肉易化法 proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, PNF
强化法 reinforcement
协同运动 synergy movement
联合运动 associated movement
分离运动 isolated movement
运动觉训练 motor sensibility training
组合运动模式 mass movement pattern
八段锦 baduanjin
五禽戏 wuqinxi
导引 daoyin
太极拳 taijiquan
气功 qigong, meditation
动功 dynamic qigong
静功 static qigong
按摩 massage
水下按摩 underwater massage
手法治疗 manipulation
推拿 Chinese traditional manipulation
脊柱推拿疗法 chiropractic
按抚法 stroking
摩擦法 friction, rubbing
揉捏法 kneading
震颤法 vibration
拍击法 percussion
摇动法 shaking
加压疗法 compression therapy
牵引 traction
小儿康复 habilitation
全面康复 comprehensive rehabilitation
医学康复 medical rehabilitation
预防性康复 preventive rehabilitation
躯体康复 physical rehabilitation
功能重建 reconstruction, functional reconstruction
躯体功能重建 physical function reconstruction
再教育 reeducation
康复护理 rehabilitation nursing
教育康复 educational rehabilitation
职业康复 vocational rehabilitation
整体康复 integral rehabilitation
康复咨询 rehabilitation counselling
康复程序 rehabilitation procedure
康复方案 rehabilitation scheme, rehabilitation program
康复工程 rehabilitation engineering
专业机构康复 institution-based-rehabilitation, IBR
病损 impairment (器官水平的障碍)
失能 disability (个体水平的障碍)