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氧吧,一种高效开放式负离子发生器Oxygen bar is a kind of high-efficiency negative-ion generator.

原创文章:青岛希尼尔翻译公司 http://www.sinosenior.com.cn




Oxygen bar is a kind of high-efficiency negative-ion generator. It adopts silicon controlled reversible pressure with suspension discharge parts. It is safe and reliable with simple structure and fine effect. Ozone (O3) is formed when much negative ion appears, and the density can be adjusted freely according to the user’s demands. It saves huge power so that it can run continuously for long. Negative ion is made that negative-ion generator rises low voltage into current negative high voltage by impulse and oscillation electrical apparatus, high corona appears through current high pressure on carbon brush top and lots of electron (e-) is emitted with a high speed. Electron cannot exist in air for long (the existing electron can live n). Instead, it is caught by oxygen molecule (O2) in air and forms negative ion. Its operation theory is the same with the natural phenomenon “thunder and lighten” makes negative ion.


Main Functions of Negative Ion
1)制造活性氧:负氧离子能有效激活空气中的氧分子,使其更加活跃而更易被人体所吸收,有效预防空调病Make reactive oxygen species (ROS): Negative oxygen ion can effectively activate oxygen molecule in air to make it easier for human body to absorb and prevent “air conditioning illness”.
2)改善肺功能:人体吸入携氧负离子后,肺可增加吸收氧气20%,而多排出15%的二氧化碳。Improve the lung’s function: After human body absorbs the negative ion with oxygen, the lung can absorb oxygen 20% more and output CO2 15% more.
3)负离子能促进新陈代谢,保持空气洁净,消除疲劳,随时保持清醒的头脑。Negative ion can improve metastasis, remain air clean, remove fatigue and keep a cool head.
4)增强抗病能力:可改变肌体反应能力,活跃网状内皮系统的机能,增强肌体免疫力。Improve the disease resistance ability: It can change human body’s reaction ability, activate the function of net endothelium system and strengthen body’s immunity.
5)改善睡眠:经负氧离子作用,可使人精神振奋,工作效率提高,还可改善睡眠,有明显的镇痛作用。Improve sleep: With the negative oxygen ion, it can inspire people, improve work efficiency, enhance sleep quality and play a clear part in analgesia. 
6)杀菌功能:负离子发生器在产生大量负离子的同时会产生微量臭氧,二者合一更易吸附各种病毒、细菌,使其产生结构的改变或能量的转移,导致其死亡。除尘灭菌,减轻二手烟危害更有效。环保健康看得见。Sterilization Function: Negative-ion generator makes a little ozone when making lots of negative ion. These two parts’ combination can absorb various viruses and bacteria more easily to make it change the structure or transfer energy and cause it die. It is more effective to remove dust and bacteria and reduce second-hand cigarette harm. It is easy to find the environmental protection and health.
7)清新空气、消烟除尘:带负电荷的负离子与漂浮在空气中带正电荷的烟雾粉尘进行电极中和,使其自然沉积。Clean air, remove smoke and dust: Negative ion with negative charge neutralizes electrode with smoke dust with positive charge in air to make it depose naturally.
8)负离子可以加强头发的保湿度,一般情况下头发表面呈散开的鱼鳞状,负离子可以使头发表面散开的鱼鳞状收复从而使头发看上去更具光泽,同时可以中和头发之间存在的静电防止头发开叉。Negative ion can strengthen hair moisture. Generally, hair surface appears scattering scale. Negative ion can recover the scattering scale on hair surface to make it glosser. Meanwhile, it can neutralize static among hair to prevent it split.



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